Somatics & Social Healing

sō-ˈma-tiks: centering the inner experience and felt sense of the body as a primary way of knowing, relating, and being in the world

The body holds deep wisdom and yet it has been ignored, repressed, and shamed by the culture in which we live. As people who are ready and willing to unwind from harmful supremacy culture, opening our minds and hearts to that wisdom is key to creating a just and equitable world.


What does it mean to heal ourselves, our communities, and our world by centering the felt sense of our bodies?

  • We cultivate awareness that everything is in dynamic relationship: how we tend to ourselves is how we tend to one another.

  • We connect the dots between the conceptual and the material, the idea and the action. For instance: we can experience the concept of interdependence when we engage our living, moving bodies with others in community.

  • We participate in the social change process of the collective body with the awareness that it is mirrored in the unfolding wisdom of the individual body. We acknowledge we are constantly in process, and never arriving and that change is often uncomfortable.

  • We approach healing the whole by integrating and being aware of the interwoven fabric of mind, heart, and body. We come to appreciate and encourage how thoughts, feelings, and actions can work together.

  • We explore movement and meditation practices that both help us stretch our capacity to hold discomfort and tension as well as our bodies’ ability to reset with conscious rest, breath, and restoration.

  • We lean into trusting the messages of embodied feelings, sensations, and images as truthful, real, and vaild.

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