co-creating through imagination, creative embodied practice & meaningful relationships to
heal our culture
we the people can shape ourselves, our communities, our cultures, our world
To participate in new ways of being, we must first be with what is. Part of being with what is means acknowledging the harmful narratives and culture of supremacy, which for generations has oppressed Black and Indigenous communities and People of Color, Immigrants, Womxn, the LGBTQIA+ community, Disabled Folx, and others in the margins.
Body-based practices rooted in empathy allow people with privilege to identify that privilege, and how it is held, in the very tissues of the body. Erin offers these practices to individuals and within communities who are seeking to compost supremacy and move toward justice. This work cultivates a deep awareness and respect for the role of the whole person in our collective liberation.
What is Embodiment?
im-ˈbä-dē-mənt : a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling.
When we imagine liberation, what will that feel like in our bodies? When we speak of privilege, where does this live in our bodies? How does the experience of oppression imprint on our bodies? In our collective body? We can approach change from the fullness of who we are by inviting the felt sense and lived experience of the body into the forefront of all our relations.
photo above by: Ashley Manson; rest in peace and power, CJ Johnson